An All Person's Guide to Catasto Elettrico


A Taste of...

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Infinite are the ways to infinite paths... After a long hiatus, we just chose one. Humbly improvisational (the greatest ambition). If it can be yours too, let us know (using the comments or the dedicated sidebar poll...)



For the first birthday of this blog, here's to you the seventh Catasto's release, featuring an unusual, special guest joining the usual, totally improvised session: an analogic radio...



Micro should be intended as the title of this session, not its quality rating. We hope you'll agree with us...



A beery night session. A Concise Catasto Elettrico Alphabet. A Pataphysical Introduction to our music. The fifth sample, anyhow…



ODE is our fourth release. It features one of the most recent session, as ever - needless to say - absolutely without a net…



MASTER is the next release of Catasto Elettrico. As usual, this release comes from a pair of sessions of totally improvised music. Enjoy.



MODO is the second release of Catasto Elettrico, another fully improvised session taken from the archives of the past. No overdubs, no preconceptions. A blog visitor called the style of Catasto "kraut in italian sauce". Maybe. Maybe not, never mind. Call it antyhing.



Trio is the first example...

All the Catasto Elettrico albums were recorded during a single session, totally improvised. Trio is no exception.


Two or Three Things We Know About...

No rehearsals, no concerts, Catasto Elettrico has always been something more than a “cult”, “invisible” band. Following the idea (utopia) of total improvisation in the telepathic Miles Davis way, during the years they lived a sort of parallel life. At the beginning, after several years of practise in the usual blues-rock bands, they formed a power-progressive trio (organ, bass, drums) and gave regular concerts. Their music consisted in re-arranged covers of Traffic, EL&P, Hendrix, some original instrumentals, minimalist sequences influenced by Terry Riley, Tangerine Dream, Klaus Schulze and a lot of music and mood from Miles Davis to Nucleus, Soft Machine (which were not so famous at the time), Weather Report and Herbie Hancock. Everything was pulled together in long suites, and when the group began to improvise very free, the public decided that was definitively too much. The group ended his last official concert in front of an audience consisting of three people (including the bassist’s girlfriend).

Therefore the group decided to follow his own inspiration, piling electric and electronic sounds and rumours. One step backward and two steps forward, they renounced the concerts and retired in a large penthouse, choosing to play unique, improvised sessions and to record them as better as possible. No snobbery, the penthouse was open to everyone. So, every session was a sort of happening, sometimes for a few friends, sometimes in a larger scale. Friends spread the news and a small group of admirers spontaneously grew up. The group never recorded a true record, except for the self-produced vinyl “Modern Jazz Sessions”, now a joy for collectors (even the members of the band don’t have any copy, since they were stolen several years ago along with a beautiful Hammond organ). But a lot of material exists, and sometimes of a higher quality, with a better sound than a bootleg.

The Internet era gives us now the chance to listen to a lot of hidden music from the past, with lots of buried treasures raising from musical blogs and .mp3 exchange..

Let’s take the chance to discover Catasto Elettrico.

Francesco - bass

 Renato - drums

Alessandro - keyboards, devices

Dos o tres cosas que sabemos sobre ...

No hay ensayos, no conciertos, Catasto Elettrico siempre ha sido algo más que una "secta", "invisible" banda. A raíz de la idea (la utopía) de la improvisación total en la forma telepática Miles Davis, durante los años que vivieron una especie de vida paralela. Al principio, después de varios años de práctica habitual en el blues-rock bandas, formaron un trío de power-progresiva (órgano, bajo, batería) y dio conciertos regulares. Su música consiste en el restablecimiento de organizarse portadas de Traffic, EL&P, Hendrix, algunos instrumentales originales, minimalista secuencias influenciado por Terry Riley, Tangerine Dream, Klaus Schulze y mucha música y humor desde Miles Davis a Nucleus y Soft Machine (que no fueron tan famosas en el momento), Weather Report y Herbie Hancock. Todo se reúne en el largo suites, y cuando el grupo comenzó a improvisar muy libre, el público decidió que era definitivamentedemasiado. El grupo terminó su último concierto oficial en frente de una audiencia compuesta por tres personas (entre ellos el bajista de la novia).

Por lo tanto, el grupo decidió seguir su propia inspiración, apilando eléctricos y electrónicos sonidos y rumores. Un paso atrás y dos pasos adelante, ellos renunciaron a los conciertos y se retiró en un gran ático, la elección singular que desempeñar, y las sesiones improvisadas para registrar como mejor posible. No snobbery, el ático está abierta a todos. Es decir que cada período de sesiones era una especie de pasa, a veces por unos pocos amigos, a veces en una escala mayor. Amigos difusión de las noticias y de un pequeño grupo de admiradores creció espontáneamente. El grupo nunca se registró un verdadero récord, con excepción de la auto-producido de vinilo "Modern Jazz Sessions", que ahora es una alegría para los coleccionistas (incluso los miembros de la banda no tienen ninguna copia, ya que fueron robados hace varios años junto con un Hermoso órgano Hammond). Pero una gran cantidad de material existe, y, a veces, de una mayor calidad, con un mejor sonido que un contrabando.

La era de Internet nos da ahora la oportunidad de escuchar un montón de música oculta del pasado, con muchos tesoros enterrados recaudación de los blogs musicales y el intercambio de .mp3...

Vamos a tener la oportunidad de descubrir Catasto Elettrico.

(Thanks to Fernando for translation)